
Our Speaker List

September 7, 2024

Paddy Finn
Malorie Cooper
Kerrie Flanagan

Paddy Finn

Build a Funding Machine for your Books

Paddy Finn misspent most of his adult life as a Microsoft technical consultant......

Malorie Cooper

Running Profitable Facebook Ads

Malorie Cooper is a science fiction author and creator of the Aeon 14 universe. She has......

Kerrie Flanagan

Online Book Marketing

Kerrie is an accomplished author, writing consultant, instructor, and freelance writer with....

Brett Stephen
Kristie Cook

Brett Stephan

Buyer Psychology 101

I've made a 3rd quarter career change in my life from teaching ESL to copywriting and being an author.

Kristie Cook

Indie Author Book Marketing: Ask the Experts Panel

Kristie Cook is a lifelong, award-winning writer in various genres, primarily New Adult paranormal romance and contemporary fantasy.......

May 11, 2024

Mark Leslie Lefebvre
Michael La Ronn
Kerrie Flanagan

Mark Lefebvre

Setting Yourself Up For Long-Term Success In Your Wide Publishing Journey

Mark Leslie Lefebvre has worked in the book industry since 1992, the same year.....

Michael La Ronn

Elevating your Publishing Mindset

Michael La Ronn has published many science fiction & fantasy books and self-help books....

Kerrie Flanagan

Using Online Promotions to Maximize you Book Marketing

Kerrie is an accomplished author, writing consultant, instructor, and freelance writer with....

Melissa F. Miller
Derek Doepker
Laurie Cooper, digital marketer

Melissa F. Miller

Building a Sustainable Indie Career

Melissa F. Miller is the USA Today bestselling author of dozens of mysteries, thrillers, and ...

Derek Doepker

Your Bestselling Book Launch

Derek Doepker went from being a broke valet parker to a bestselling author. He's sold over ...

Laurie Cooper

Get More Visibility & Discoverability Online for Authors

Laurie helps  authors go from struggling, feeling invisible and not knowing what to do next, to ...

February  2024

Dale L. Roberts
Penny Sansevieri
Kerrie Flanagan

Dale. L. Roberts

The Art of Getting Book Reviews: Strategies for Success

Dale L. Roberts is a self-publishing advocate, award-winning author, and renowned video.......

Penny Sanseveiri

The Amazon Author Formula – 2024 edition!

Penny Sansevieri, CEO and founder of Author Marketing Experts, Inc. (AME) and Adjunct......

Kerrie Flanagan

How to Build and Maintain a Successful Author Newsletter

Kerrie is an accomplished author, writing consultant, instructor, and freelance writer with....

Brett Stephen
A.P. Beswick

Brett Stephan

How CraveBooks Can Help You With Your Marketing

Brett is CraveBooks Email And Copywriting Specialist, as well as an indie author.

Kevin Tumlinson

THE ARTISAN AGE - How to Succeed in a New Era in Publishing

Kevin is an award-winning and bestselling author of more than seventy titles, available......

Adam Beswick

How TikTok Can Fast Track Your Indie Author Career

A.P Beswick, a devoted parent and a passionate writer, embarked on the wonderful journey.......

October 2023

Brian Meeks
Elizabeth Ann West
Matt Holmes

Brian Meeks

Amazon Ads – Are They Right For Your Books?

Brian D. Meeks is an author of 19 novels and 6 nonfiction books, including......

Elizabeth Ann West

Using AI Technology to Help With Book Marketing

Elizabeth is a Jane-of-all-trades, mistress to none! A leader in technological education......

Matt Holmes

Jumpstart Your Facebook Ads

Matt Holmes helps self-published authors build a thriving, sustainable, and profitable.....

Mark Leslie Lefebvre
Bernadette Marie
Michael La Ronn

Mark Leslie Lefebvre


Michael La   

Unleashing the Power of Book Marketing: Insights from Industry Experts

Mark Leslie Lefebvre has worked in the book industry since 1992, the same year.....

Bestselling Author Bernadette Marie writes contemporary romances and believes in ........

Michael La Ronn has published many science fiction & fantasy books and self-help books....

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